After more than two years, I have finally finished my latest book, The Gold at New Prospect. It is a book celebrating the 200-year history of New Prospect Baptist Church, Community and Schools in the upper part of South Carolina. This, along with two supplements in connection with the book, makes eleven books I have written.
I completed a six-book series, The Faith of Our Fathers and added an Introductory book to the series entitled, The Faith of Our Fathers, An Introduction to the Series. It is a smaller book that ties the series together. Among other things, it lists all of the surnames found in the indexes of the six books of the series. These books have South Carolina settings. The entire set is available in softcover or hardcover and is a must for those who love our state. They preserve our history and are designed to be passed down from generation to generation.
Books included in The Faith of Our Fathers series are about the family lines of my husband, Norman, and myself. Although similar in the organization, the stories of events during the lifetime of our ancestors, the places they lived, and the churches where they worshiped are quite different. In addition to charts, maps, stories, and pictures, there are summary pages, appendices, bibliographies, and an index in each book. You will find them to be interesting and easy to read. Quite often, humorous incidents and sayings of their time are included.
The purpose of The Faith of Our Fathers is to show how each family line demonstrated their faith in God, encouraging family and readers to pass their faith on for future generations. It also leaves a record for my descendants letting them know from whence they came.
In addition to the series, in 2016 I also wrote a special book about the community where I grew up in Columbia entitled Growing Up in Colonial Heights.
This year, 2022, I have added four more books related to my husband, Norman, who passed away in 2021.
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